All case studies presented in this training package were developed by involving actors and users. They either deal with designing a participatory process in a specific context ( ‘Vignes transgéniques’ , ‘Nano-dialogue’ , ‘Déchets nucléaires’ , ‘Ouvrir Le Dialogue’ ), or offer opportunities for learning more in depth about one specific methodology ( ‘Ocean Rise’ ). All case studies were tested in training sessions in two international workshops 2006 ( and 2007 (

Although users can go through the case studies in a self learning process the offered case studies were prepared for workshop settings. Participants are put in the role of practitioners and are enabled to bring their experiences together in a learning situation. They will have to perform different tasks in small groups. The tasks illustrate some of the difficulties of design and implementation of public participation in practice such as the choice of a procedure, convincing a given policy maker of the rationale for public participation or drafting a press release.
Each case study starts with a short description of the case, then describes the training objectives, the training method and the previously required knowledge. A clear guideline on how to work with the case study is given which includes advices when to use which additional material as well as a workshop timetable.
For each case study the expert of the ‘real’ case is mentioned to get further information if necessary.
The Case Studies
‘La montée du niveau des océans’
How to design a scenario workshop on local management of ocean rises and flooding for local actors?
This case study guides participants step by step through the design of a scenario workshop on local management of ocean rise and flooding for local actors. Background for the development of this case is a project from 2004 at the national Technology Assessment institute, the Danish Board of Technology about the challenges the rise of sea level will cause in coastal areas.
‘Ouvrir Le Dialogue’
To design a participative process for a consortium of UK science centres (based in Scotland and England) aimed at young people aged between 14-19 years old to feed into a national public consultation.
Participants will address the objectives set by a consortium of UK science centres to create a participatory process using scientists that will engage and provide the views of school students aged between 14-19 years old for a public consultation to examine ethical issues raised by new developments in biology and medicine called ‘The ethics of prolonging the life of fetuses and the newborn’.
Guideline Case study ‘Vignes transgéniques’
How to design a participatory process for a research institute on a controversial issue?
This case study trains you to design a participatory process for a research institute on the controversy on GMO’s. The participants are introduced to the context of the case and then have to address the problem by performing a set of tasks
‘Déchets nucléaires’
Citizens’ engagement in designing future scenarios for nuclear waste management in France
This case study searches for a appropriate method to engage citizens in designing future scenarios for nuclear waste management in France. The participants will advise a state agency, the French National Agency of Radioactive Waste Management (ANDRA), on how to organise participatory exercises that will involve the local population in the management of nuclear wastes.
How to design a participatory process for a consortium of science centres and science museums on an emerging issue at the European level.
Participants will address the objectives set by a consortium of science centres and science museums that are preparing a participatory process, in order to address the need for upstream engagement with a technological and societal issue in which the awareness of the general public is low.