The CIPAST platform intends to support the structuring of an expanded network of European organizations already involved or interested in participatory processes regarding scientific and technological issues. With this objective in mind, the CIPAST consortium decided to set up a database, in order to facilitate knowledge and information transfer between the members of the network. See also
You can get access to the database here.(

In general the database is meant to be a tool for actors involved in science and technology, with a special focus on technology assessment and citizen participation.
In particular it identifies key persons or institutions that may concretely contribute to promote the development of participatory procedures in science and technology in their country. It also gives an overview of several past or ongoing participatory processes. In addition the database provides statistics on the kind of actors and thematic fields represented.
Data always is in a state of flux. Thus the CIPAST database will always be under construction what means constantly updated. Even though it does not pretend to be exhaustive, it provides reliable information about actors and participative processes in Europe. The following three lists are available for the public:
- reference institutions with more than 33 records from 16 countries
- reference institutions’ addresses
- participatory processes with more than 140 records from 21 countries

The public lists can be filtered by countries, thematic fields or types of actors, in order to search for specific actors according to their geographical, thematic or institutional characteristics. These lists can be exported into Excel or pdf documents. Specific buttons are meant to use these functionalities. The list of participatory processes gives links to other databases and websites. It mentions reference documents and contact persons. It finally gives a short description of each process.
The complete list of institutions, as well as the personal contacts are only available to the CIPAST partners and thus require a personal login and password.
If you are interested to be listed in the database you are kindly asked to fill the database registration forms on the CIPAST website: as actor (, or with a process (